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October 30th - November 5th, 2022


The letters that I am transcribing are ones that are pro-integration.

However, even though the letters are mostly kind, every once in awhile I come across letters that have microaggressions in them.

These letters typically say something along the lines of...

Dear Mr. Meredith,

It's so great that you're going to school, but I don't like the way you said this or that so you should apologize and maybe everyone would be nicer to you.


Dear Mr. Meredith,

You should show more gratitude for the fact that you are being allowed to be educated with white kids.

I grew up in the 80s and have only begun to understand the harm that microaggressions can cause BIPOC persons in the last five years or so. So I am sure these "well intentioned" senders did not see the harm in their suggestions to Mr. Meredith.

However, if I found it annoying, I can only imagine how it made him feel.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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